Dear Educators,

Do you experience any of the following:

  • signs of anxiety and overwhelm

  • students who are triggered or activated

  • communication breakdowns

  • bullying

  • parents complaining

  • everyone needing a piece of you

These are challenging times! So many of us are stretched beyond our limits!

Concerned about the mental health of our students, attending to our own families, and feeling like the “doing machine” that just can’t go fast enough?


  • experiencing moments of calm just for you

  • your children handling their own day-to-day interactions   

  • your students more independent, self-regulated and resilient

  • constantly changing circumstances not throwing you for a loop

You deserve to be trained in social-emotional learning (SEL) skills that directly impact your self-care, mindset and problem-solving abilities. 

Step-by-step, practical, and transformative social and emotional learning (SEL) tools motivate learners, foster inclusion, inspire innovation and build community.

Educational Leadership Redefined: 6-MODULE Series
One time
For 2 months

Get anytime access to our growing collection of classes, workshops, and exclusive content.


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You deserve a break!


In just six modules, you can learn how to advance student achievement and well-being by integrating SEL strategies into your curriculum and daily routines. In addition, the strategies are great for you and for your family too.

You have a vision for your class/school and want your leadership to make a difference? Developing educators is imperative to having students reach their full learning potential.

You can take your class/school from a state of dysfunction to a state of thriving.

In this six-module program, you will acquire practical, step-by-step, proactive strategies that are game-changers.

You Will learn to:

  • develop a structure for self-care

  • deescalate a conflict

  • think in ways that empower you

  • manage stress

  • create a vision that sorts the urgent from the important

  • understand the hidden drivers that sabotage your success

  • acknowledge in a way that creates a future

We tailor the program to your school goals and development needs.

Learning inside a small community of like-minded educators provides a strong sense of support as we finally have a place we can share and learn the tools we need.


6-Module Program Includes:

Module 1: THRIVE — Lead Yourself First
Manage your stress despite the struggle to find the time.

Module 2: EMPOWERED THINKING — Engage the Power of Your Mind
Be empowered regardless of outside stress and circumstances.

Module 3: MOTIVATING SELF AND OTHERS — Connect with your Purpose
Clarify your purpose, learn to motivate others, and use a goal-setting approach for yourself, staff and students.

Module 4: HANDLE CONFLICTS — De-escalate a Conflict; Calm Someone Down
Discover a short, powerful strategy to calm someone down so you can move forward together.

Module 5: BREAK FREE — Work through the Limiting Beliefs that Run your Life
Reach your goals by getting out of your own way. Learn how our deeper beliefs run our lives even while they are in our blind spots.

Module 6: ALIGN YOUR TEAM — Empowering Others through Acknowledgement
Transform your leadership approach from feeling disempowered to feeling empowered. Inspire your team members to take action, foster collaboration, and create a positive work atmosphere where everyone feels valued and empowered to contribute.

Learn specific, proactive, step-by-step strategies to build a caring and inclusive culture with Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) and take care of classroom management once and for all.

Principals and teachers are in a position to make the biggest impact on society – bigger than any other sector! The key to making that difference is not yoga but practical, proactive social and emotional learning (SEL) skills/Emotional Intelligence (EQ). Once SEL practices are in place, students can reach their learning potential academically.

This is what Child Psychiatrist Dr. Kathleen Friend says about the work:


A high school teacher who has been working in the Leadership Redefined Program, followed by Train the Trainer Mastermind says,

What Margaret provides is so needed in schools right now. The SEL strategies she teaches are extremely helpful to me as a person and as a teacher. Her positive manner inspires me every time we interact. She is a great role model for us as educators. Margaret embodies what she teaches. — Melissa Cromarty, teacher, Churchill Community School

An 8th grade teacher was so excited after putting a strategy into practice, she wrote,

I have a new 8th grader who struggles with impulse control andinterrupts constantly and I am watching myself become activated. I DID try the new strategy to guide the conversation and IT WAS AWESOME! Honestly, I felt like a super teacher! He was open, honest, and we talked about how he can be a great leader! There was a total shift when I saw him later in class. And his friends felt it and stepped up, too. SO COOL! — Dinah Barthelmess, teacher, Wilmette Jr. High School, Chicago


A gardener does not make a plant grow. The job of a gardener is to create optimal conditions.
— Sir Ken Robinson

Here Is What You Get:

In just six modules, you will have a foundation in teacher self-care strategies, teacher mindset strategies and teacher problem-solving strategies that will help create optimal conditions for you and your students. This interactive program includes professional growth, mentoring and coaching.

Acquire a solid foundational level in SEL as well as support in implementing strategies with your students. You connect the dots to specific goals in your district/school board or school while becoming leaders of social and emotional learning. 


  1. Unique, step-by-step practical life tools which include first-hand training strategies you can teach your students. Self-care, mindset and problem-solving strategies are critical for thriving.

  2. Pre/Mid/Post program calls to discuss your goals and objectives

  3. A support structure for success

  4. Tools and Resources for each module

  5. An accountability system that works for both educators and students

  6. Structures and scripts you can utilize to manage your relationships with your students

  7. Pre/Mid/Post Self-Assessments to measure growth

  8. A way of thinking that looks for opportunities with a lens of possibility

  9. A one-on-one coaching call (optional)

  10. Q&A sessions

  11. A certificate upon completion

Educational Leadership Redefined: 6-MODULE Series
One time
For 2 months

Get anytime access to our growing collection of classes, workshops, and exclusive content.

Deepen Your Learning

Further levels of training are available in the Train the Trainer Mastermind which is a six-month, advanced program for educator leaders to deepen SEL concepts and self-awareness, learn advanced communication and leadership skills and develop high-quality professional development sessions for staff training with practical SEL tools for their students. Twice a month we meet to implement SEL skills, dive deeper into the concepts, and learn multiple new strategies as well as whole-brain learning approaches that help teachers frame their lessons. 

Develop a strong base for yourselves and establish structures of support that you can replicate in other contexts. Also learn practical strategies to support students so they become independent with interpersonal skills.




Educational Leadership Redefined is unique as it provides teachers and administrators with a toolkit of practical strategies to support yourselves and to teach SEL skills to your students, having them take responsibility for nurturing their own relationships. These social and emotional skills are not taught primarily through worksheets and computer exercises but inside a social context so students practice in-person skills whenever possible.

As a lifelong learner, Margaret has trained and developed her SEL and coaching skills outside traditional teacher training institutions where SEL is the focal area of study. She brings a depth of interpersonal skills and strategies to educators and has taught these strategies to students. As an SEL expert and former teacher, she enjoys supporting principals and teachers to see the fruit of these strategies when implemented.

Once you are in the foundation program, you will be supported to transform your community with related programs such as:

SEL Wisdom for Kids A free video series teaching children SEL skills through the arts and Language Arts with fun activities that can extend beyond each 15-20-minute video lesson.

A Parent Coaching Program is also available. The idea is to serve the entire community, teachers, students, and parents so everyone “speaks the same language” and uses the same SEL strategies. Transform your culture by getting the training and implementing it with support.

Participants who have done the Train the Trainer Mastermind are also excited to be able to provide powerful, practical training for their staff.

Take your first step in this foundation program and set yourself on a path to feeling empowered regardless of circumstances.

And suddenly you just know
it’s time to start something new
and trust the magic of beginnings.
— Meister Eckhart



We invite you to listen to this video. These teachers and their colleagues just participated in a 3-hour professional development workshop learning similar concepts addressed in this program.


Prior to 2020, Margaret had the privilege of doing an extensive project for a school board director in the Netherlands. Here is what she said about the experience.

We hired Margaret Boersma to support teachers with our board’s vision. Teaching social and emotional learning inside a school curriculum and making it part of the company‘s goals improved the entire mission of our organization.

Working in close connection with the board, school director and lead teachers Margaret and her professional partner, facilitated a professional development day for lead teachers and a principal, presented a workshop for the school team and organized and coordinated the whole project with students (demonstration lessons) while working toward our school board vision.

Margaret’s experience and expertise regarding social emotional skills is amazing. She brought a lot of knowledge, experience and eagerness to learn about SEL into our schools. Margaret is absolutely a professional leader in organizing a program in SEL for a  school organization! We plan on having Margaret continue training at the school board/district level in the near future.

— Marian Bakker, School Board Ultiem, The Netherlands


In her interactions with learners of all ages, adults and children, Margaret Boersma embodies the social-emotional skills she teaches. She is a master of attentive listening and communication, a coach that values, supports, and empowers her clients.

— Cindy Sisti, Teacher, York Region District School Board

Perhaps why I think so highly of what she does is because her approach really lets children do the mental process for themselves and "arrive” at the intended thoughtful destination instead of disseminating information. She functions at the top of the Blooms Taxonomy - where most teachers rarely go.  

— Susan Ciminelli, Executive Director, White Waves Education Consulting


Margaret Boersma’s experience and expertise regarding social emotional literacy/skills is outstanding! She has offered many programs in different places across Canada and the United States as well as in Holland and New Zealand. Anyone who is looking for guidance on how to teach and support children/students, you won't look elsewhere when you see what Boersma has to offer. She has impacted countless students, educators and parents around the world. 

— Lynn McLaughlin, Podcast Host, Award-Winning Author, Professional Speaker, Advocate, Former Superintendent of Greater Essex County District School Board, Ontario, Canada




Everyone is on a team, whether it is a committee, a school staff, your classroom or your family. If you see yourself as a leader, this program is for you.

Transform your school culture


See you soon!