I am Special 


Self-Esteem/Well Being



Ages 8-12

Inquiry Question:

Where does my self-esteem come from?  How can we support others to recognize their possibilities?

Workshop Description:

This powerful workshop, for teachers of grades 3-6, will give you tools to address the well being of your students, in particular with self-esteem.  You will experience engaging strategies to enable students to discover our natural inclination to judge ourselves through the eyes of others.  You will explore your role as characters in a village and discover how to discern messages that may be important to allow into your heart and those that are not.  The discussions that follow a role-play activity are profound, as students make connections to their own lives, other texts, and the world. Empathy is developed while concrete strategies for dealing with self-esteem issues are explored. Learn concrete ways to support others through listening and moving on after “failure.”  A handout of the student unit will be provided.

Your students will be able to:

  1. Recognize avenues to generate positive self-talk

  2. Learn a strategy for “really listening” to another

  3. Practice a strategy for “making it right”

  4. Take risks in class as the emotional safety in the classroom increases

  5. Support others with new tools